What is the origin of the problem?

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I can tell if an Outlander petrol has a problem with the heating system. It starts to lose heat at about 40-50K miles because the antifreeze coolant starts to crystallise and block the filter in the filter housing unit. Many people start to think about fault water pumps and matrix but first, check over the little things what is the filter.

The filter is blocked with crap, looks like sand and gale, the same as in the picture.

The filter housing is located on top of the gearbox, just simply remove and separate it in half clean out and refit top up with coolant and start the engine it should work.

 When working the right way the next day, check the coolant level and strength.

The Coolant has a full capacity of 6 litres.

Always ask any Mitsubishi or any seller what type of coolant you need to fill up.


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